Nanozyme CLEAN Family of Products
(Bio Aqua, H2S Formula,
Plus Formula, 420)
Non‑Toxic, Non‑Hazardous,
Safe for the Environment
Made in the U.S.A
NanoZyme CLEAN FOP (Family of Products) are low cost and highly efficient product to treat H2S and other odor problems.
NanoZyme CLEAN FOP are botanically derived enzyme consortium products that is developed using a fermentation process. It is not an engineered solution but a scientific solution making it 100% safe & ecofriendly. The product is made up of an aqueous mixture of non-bacterial enzymes produced using food grade materials. There are no living bacteria in NanoZyme CLEAN FOP which allows for a safe and stable product capable of degrading or neutralizing many noxious compounds in situ.
Scientifically, is an ionic receptor donor vehicle. This means that our product does not mask but destroys on a molecular level.
NanoZyme CLEAN FOP eliminates odors by using a customized system developed by NanoZyme Technologies. This specialized system uses a small footprint which saves time & money.
The product not only works for H2S but also works for the following:
Organic reduced Sulphur compounds
Canna Sulfur found in Cannabis
Nitrogen Compounds